The story centers around three close married couples that face individual turmoil and trauma that their marriages bring. Juno and Sadine are the main couple in this film. Juno Rene a narcissistic character who constantly cheats on his wife, holding the mindset that he is skilled enough not to be caught. Click link below to […]
After surviving a deadly shooting,Murdering returns to the streets in the sequel Out A Street 2.A series of unexpected events forces him to turn to his friend Banton for support.Together Murdering and Bantan find out that revenge is not always easy as it seems.
Friend In Need is a Jamaican movie about helping friends who are in need.
Blinded (2006) is a Grenadian feature film about domestic violence directed by Anderson Quarless and starring Deleon Walters and Tahira Carter. It was the first full-length film entirely produced in Grenada. Clara meets John at a particularly vulnerable time in her life. She is “blinded” by love and he becomes her world. The intense relationship then becomes violent and […]
21 year old Iris’ life is endangered as her ex boyfriend returns to seek unwanted closure. A series of events unfold as we see what was and what still exist between them.This short film’s aim is to enlighten viewers about Violence Against Women. It can be described as a raw presentation of reality. A short […]