Haitian Movies - Caribbean-movie.com - The best in Caribbean movies https://caribbean-movie.com/category/haitian-movies/ Showcasing the latest in Caribbean movies! Wed, 08 Nov 2023 19:42:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 Gason Makoklen 1 https://caribbean-movie.com/gason-makoklen-1/ Wed, 08 Nov 2023 19:34:11 +0000 https://caribbean-movie.com/?p=1239 Explore the Drama of ‘Gason Makoklen 1 Step into the compelling narrative of ‘Gason Makoklen 1’ on Caribbean-Movie.com. The story unfolds as Jésula embarks on a journey to Montreal to reunite with her husband, Mercidieu Lebrun. Their reunion is a heartwarming moment, but it doesn’t take long for Jésula to realize that her husband has […]

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Explore the Drama of 'Gason Makoklen 1

Step into the compelling narrative of ‘Gason Makoklen 1’ on Caribbean-Movie.com. The story unfolds as Jésula embarks on a journey to Montreal to reunite with her husband, Mercidieu Lebrun. Their reunion is a heartwarming moment, but it doesn’t take long for Jésula to realize that her husband has undergone a profound transformation. Mercidieu has evolved into a ‘GASON MAKOKLEN,’ a man known for his toughness, utter disregard for women, and behavior that borders on tyranny.

However, Jésula doesn’t hesitate to take action. Guided by Andreanne, the wife of Tiwil, she makes the bold decision to confront her husband’s newfound arrogance, refusing to tolerate his ‘PWAL KON SA YO RELE JÔJ’ behavior. Don’t miss this captivating tale of transformation and empowerment, exclusively on Caribbean-Movie.com.

The post Gason Makoklen 1 appeared first on Caribbean-movie.com.

Profonds Regrets https://caribbean-movie.com/profonds-regrets/ Sun, 19 Jun 2022 16:12:33 +0000 https://caribbean-movie.com/?p=1071 Dario debarque a Miami dans le but de revoir sa belle Winodia. Il retrouve une Winodia tout a fait differente de celle qu’il a connu au paravant. Toute une serie d’evenements vont compliquer la vie de cette demiere. Elle se retourne alors vers Vayoline, une simple amie, qui, selon les circontances, devient sa protectrice. Lia, […]

The post Profonds Regrets appeared first on Caribbean-movie.com.


Dario debarque a Miami dans le but de revoir sa belle Winodia. Il retrouve une Winodia tout a fait differente de celle qu’il a connu au paravant. Toute une serie d’evenements vont compliquer la vie de cette demiere. Elle se retourne alors vers Vayoline, une simple amie, qui, selon les circontances, devient sa protectrice. Lia, une poupee de charmes au coeur fragile apparait, et la situation se complique tout a coup. Coincidemment, le hazard propulse Winodia au sommet de la gloire, elle est desormais placee dans la ligne de mire de tous les opportunistes. En depit de ces bonnes graces que le ciel repend sur Winodia, reussira t-elle a retrouver les traces de Dario, totalement confus pour sa part et du meme coup tuer dans l’oeuf tout rapprochement entre ce dernier et toute eventulle rivale, pour enfin jouir la plenitude du bonheur tant rev Regrets, douleur, jalousie, passion et deception constituent les principaux ingredients de ce drame.

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Married Men https://caribbean-movie.com/married-men/ Tue, 18 May 2021 06:10:39 +0000 https://caribbean-movie.com/?p=825 The story centers around three close married couples that face individual turmoil and trauma that their marriages bring. Juno and Sadine are the main couple in this film. Juno Rene a narcissistic character who constantly cheats on his wife, holding the mindset that he is skilled enough not to be caught. Click link below to […]

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The story centers around three close married couples that face individual turmoil and trauma that their marriages bring. Juno and Sadine are the main couple in this film. Juno Rene a narcissistic character who constantly cheats on his wife, holding the mindset that he is skilled enough not to be caught.

Click link below to watch Full Movie on Facebook

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God’s Will https://caribbean-movie.com/gods-will/ Fri, 16 Apr 2021 22:40:44 +0000 https://caribbean-movie.com/?p=550 God’s will (la volonte de Dieu) is based on a true story. It is about a young Christian woman who’s faith was being tested by God .God sent her the man of her dreams, but as an handicap, to see if she would follow God’s will.

The post God’s Will appeared first on Caribbean-movie.com.


God’s will (la volonte de Dieu) is based on a true story. It is about a young Christian woman who’s faith was being tested by God .God sent her the man of her dreams, but as an handicap, to see if she would follow God’s will.

The post God’s Will appeared first on Caribbean-movie.com.
